Olentangy Local Schools would like to personally invite you to attend our 5th annual ONE COMMUNITY Conference on Saturday, February 2, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Olentangy Berlin High School, 3140 Berlin Station Road, Delaware.

This enriching community event gives attendees a unique opportunity to learn about equity and inclusion from national experts, local leaders, and Olentangy Local School District students. The event is free and open to registrants of all ages. Participants can choose to attend portions of the program or take part in the entire day.
For details about the conference schedule, workshops, and presenters, please view our conference brochure.
What you can expect at this year’s ONE COMMUNITY Conference:
The opening keynote will feature John Krownapple, a nationally recognized specialist in facilitating professional learning and organizational development focused on social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. His presentation is titled, “Dignity: The Key to Community.”The afternoon keynote will feature five students from Olentangy high schools presenting TED-style talks and poetry about their experiences with diversity and identity.
More than 40 workshops for adults and high school students will be offered. Topics include: race/culture, mental health, social emotional learning, LGBTQ+, global fluency and much more. If you are interested in signing up for a 2 hour Global Fluency training through the Columbus Council on World Affairs, email jacqueline_merkle@olsd.us to reserve your spot. Space is limited to 25 certified staff members.Attendees will also have an option to participate in two 2-hour intensive workshops focused on making equity actionable through dignity and cultivating relationships with our African American young adults.
Global Symposium
New this year: The district will be hosting a global symposium focused on, “Immigrant, Refugee, and New American Communities”. Columbus-based artist and poet Sara Abou Rashed will share an unforgettable performance called, “A Map of Myself”. In 2013, Abou Rashed and her family fled to the United States due to the war in Syria.Central Ohio high school students will be invited to participate in global awareness sessions culminating in a cross-district dialogue towards taking action.
Elementary and Middle School Attendees
Young attendees can take part in art, music and cross-cultural dialogue sessions that will introduce them to concepts surrounding equity and inclusion.
All attendees are asked to register for the event by January 23.